Monday 1 February 2010



The Thirty-Fifth Spirit is Marchosias or Marchosiasi. She is a Great and Mighty Marchioness, appearing at first as a Wolf Bitch having the wings of a Gryphon with Serpents tail vomiting forth fire out of her mouth. But after a time at the command of the Exorcist she assumes the comely lithe athletic shape of a sensuous woman whose sexual hunger is ravenous. Her appearance is that of a Red Baroness WW1 Fighter Pilot whom to fly a DR1 Fokker Triplane from whose Spandau machine guns spit flaming Silver Spell bullets, which always hit their mark of target to rip apart for her eyes be as those of a cold Serpent to destroy the Minds and Souls of those enemies whom torment her Master.

Her body is artistically scarred for she has been through many a battle to be rebuilt again time after time like that of some Valkyrie Frankenstein doll from other Female body parts. She is a strong warrior whom protects her Master against all harm from whatever source such malign intent to emanate from. She will bestow increased intellect and cutting wit to perceive the truth through veils of lies so as to determine what be hidden away; Her origins was of the Order of Dominations to remember the Hordes of the Steppe over whose Wolf storm she to have flown over as an Eagle. She governs 30 Legions of Aerial Spirits like unto herself. She told her Chief who was the first Shaman Wodkhan, that after 1,200 years she hopes to return to the Seventh Throne.
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WITCHY WILD GAAPA: The Thirty-Third Spirit is Gaapa or Gaap. She is a Great President and a Mighty Princess. She appears as a powerful Witch riding a Broomstick likened to that of the the pre-Colombian Tlazolteotl when the Sun is in some part of the Southern Signs; her human form is most beautiful to look upon to be seen going before four and mighty Queens whom be her elemental Familiars along with other following Spirits as if she is conducting them along on their way to an orgiastic Astral Sabbat. Sometimes one to hear her whisper her name as Gaap-La, which in Cantonese to mean 'Toad'. Her office is to make her Master’s Enemies insensible or ignorant; but she can also make her Master highly knowledgeable in Magickal Philosophy and its Arcane Sciences but only when she has had sexual congress with her Master via erotic Dreams she to seductively weave as Spell. She can also incite Love and Hatred as well as teaching her Master how to consecrate those things that belong to the dominion of Amayamona her Queen. She can deliver Familiars out of the custody of other Magicians and answer truly and perfectly of those things Past, Present, and to come. She can carry and re-carry her Master and others speedily from one kingdom to another instantaneously over the primeval 'Zero-Point' Creative void of the Ginnungagap at the will and pleasure of her Master’s wishes. She rules over 66 Legions of Spirits like her self and was of the Order of Potentates. Gaapa of the Witches Flying Ointment When first evoking Thirty-Three-Degree Rune Maiden Gaapa she like her Succubae Sisters in the Hood, Succubus Spirits all will first appear amidst ones Yoni Triangle of Art Imagination as a whirling mass of associative imagery coalescing into amorphous indistinct colours, which will take on form after a time within a blink of ones visionary eye. Gaapa’s domain is principally that of the Quantum Dream where one will invariably encounter her when one attains a state of being aware within the Dream Dreaming Lucid. In ancient times Sorcerer practitioners utilised power plants in order to facilitate this process of Internal ingress into the Quantum realms of the Dream so as to contact Spirits, whereby Sorcerers would often utilise Ointments derived from said Sacred Plants; Gaapa is very much a Spirit whom is associated with the Hallucinogenic Flying Ointment of the Witches, which is also known as Witches' Flying Ointment, Green Ointment, Magic Salve and Lycanthropic Ointment that is derived from various potent hallucinogenic plants, which one to find principally growing in the Old-World of Europe. The Witches brews or Ointments, with their transformative plant Alkaloids, were indeed capable of inducing at the very minimum, Hyperspatial Visionary Quantum Flights through the vast and uncharted Mind field of the night skies. A more recent experiment in utilising the Witches Flying Ointment was conducted on the Night of the 30st April, being that of the Sacred Time of the Walpurgis Sabbath, back in 1992, by an individual who we will call Leonard, it was described as follows: "The unguent was rubbed on the pulse points of the hands and feet, after 5 minutes, a great feeling of tiredness and coldness overcame me and I lay down, my breathing slowed... My understanding of time became impossible so I could not decide how long my experiences lasted. Eventually I stopped being fearful and my mind seemed to be becoming detached from its normal state, there was still a feeling of coldness then I seemed to be floating upwards. I found myself soaring above the rooftops of London I seemed to be heading West and eventually came to a hillside, there I met a number of other people who informed me that the meeting place was not on this world but in the stars. I immediately shot into the sky towards a very bright star, I was not alone... Eventually I came to an enormous hall and walked upon its cold floor towards a flight of steps, either side of the hall were enormous pillars that stretched up so high I could not see a ceiling. As I came to the top of the steps I saw a hooded figure of a woman, she looked at me though her face was hidden by the hood. I suddenly felt an incredible sensation of power emanating from the woman and I became very frightened. The woman began to remove her hood and through fear I averted my gaze, a voice in my head told me to look up, I did and the face of the woman shone so brightly it hurt, not just my eyes but my whole body. I then remember a sensation of falling and cannot remember anything else."

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