Thursday, 11 February 2010


1.Thanks,Alan,for being so generous with your knowledge.It helps to make clearer the comment on deities by the Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka: "Without the knowing of divinity by man,can deity survive?". You seem to distinguish,though, between the deities you invoke and call into the embodiment in  the servitor and the servitor itself,as an embodiment of spirit matter,this matter being an aspect of the universe  not created by you as the servitor partially is,if I understand your thinking well.
I wonder what physical matter the servitor must be composed of?Should it be a living form,an actual spider,a plant,a non-living  organic form like a  stick,a combination of these,like a pot in which such objects are kept,or even a mechanical form,like a pen,or even a computer,for example?

It also reminds me of the idea that the manifestation of spirit can be shaped according to human intention,an idea central to Mark Dunn''s efforts to visualize the spirits of the Goetia as female in relation to imaginative scenarios derived from various cultures,in which Astarota,for example,becomes an attractive woman,instead of  a naked man,and instead of an animal,the woman is riding a  spaceship.

Mark Dunn's method of invoking the Goetic spirits purely through visualization and chanting of their names,along with visualizing them as women with whom the magician has sexual relationships,has come under criticism  as dangerous on account of  what some describe as the volatile nature of the Goetic spirits,and Agbor Pi here claims that Dunn's approach can be mentally unsettling. 

Interestingly,I have been experimenting with Dunn's method  and will post an interesting dream I had today after using  his technique.I am in the process of adapting it even further by using his  correlation of the Goetia with Asian thought to meditate on the sigils and perhaps even perform a basic invocation  in terms of non-Goetic ideas.

I wonder what others think about such experiments.I know this is not identical with work with servitors but is  closer to broader questions of relationships between the nature of spirit in relation to the human mind and to methods of directing spirit.



 2.Wow! Amazing info.
Thanks,Alan, again for the sharing of cutting edge knowledge-on servitors-that most people might not even know exists.

Im struck you see my experiment as something you would need more acquaintance with the spirit to undertake safely.
Its quite basic really.
I simply make sure I  spend a good length of time meditating on the Goetic sigil.For some reason or other,not sure why,I am particularly interested in Astaroth,perhaps beceause Dunn's characterisation of this spirit brings together  elements I really enjoy-the erotic,scientific speculation,magic and Dunn's characteristic imaginative flexibility and range.

I made sure I  visualised this sigil carefully and kept it in my mind even when going about anything I  was doing at home,where I work,from the kitchen to any other activity in which my mind was not really occupied.I did not invoke the spirit.I did not mention  the spirit's name mentally-Dunn's method- bcs I was afraid  I  would end up invoking the spirit.I did meditate, though, on the attributes of the spirit as described by Dunn.I also read up almost everything he wrote about sigil magic as well as all his characterisations of the various Goetic spirits, information for my academic work,of which the entire magical project is a part.I combine academic and magical research using one to feed the other.Eventually  I experienced a stream of ideas that enabled me write about a 3,000 word essay placing Dunn's sigil work   in the context of what I know at present about sigil magic,with a focus on the Astaroth sigil.I posted the essay on my Facebook page but will soon post it on my blog on Dunn's work.

As of yesterday,I had  again been visualizing the Astaroth sigil and taking special care not to call the spirits name(I don't know how a serious magicians would see that).I took  the meditation a step further, though.Taking a cue from Dunn's conception of the sigils as means of entering into a relationship with what he names a Feminine Inorganic Intelligence,I linked  the sigil with Devi,the Hindu conception of the feminine force that underlies the universe,by visualizing the sigil against the background of outer space,while keeping that cosmic idea vaguely in mind.I  also imagined myself  stepping though the sigil and experiencing the universe as a heartbeat,a form of cosmic consciousness.I began the visualisation  by drawing the sigil mentally the way you do the banishing ritual of the pentagram as described in the Golden dawn ritual text published by Israel Regardie beceause the sigil is a pentagram with  four additional design features that dont change the basic design.After drawing the sigil,I identified the four vertexes with the four elements and the topmost one with spirit,an idea from Regardie's Tree of Life.As spirit exists in balance with, but above the elements, as symbolised by the pentagram,the sigil,adapting Dunn's idea of the Goetic sigils as a means of shaping one's reality through accessing alternate realities,can  represent  the magician's ability to traverse time and space as represented by the elements,with the vertex of spirit indicating  the ability to shape possibilities in the material universe.

I had conducted perhaps just the basic visualisation when I got dressed to go out for a walk.As I sat on the edge of the bed,preparatory to putting on my socks,I seemed to doze off while seated.I had this odd dream in which as I was walking outdoors,in an environment that looked like my native Nigeria, rather than England where I live now,I came upon a stool on which were a book and a magazine or journal.The book  was a paperback  similar to a textbook  on geography I bought from Borders in Cambridge recently.In the  magazine/journal   I noticed a short article on scholarly work on the African ethnic group the Dogon,an area of scholarship in which I have keen interest beceause of the sophisticated myth and philosophies ascribed to Dogon thinkers and priests.

As I puzzled over why such precious materials were left by the side of the road and if they had been abandoned and if I could help myself to them,a Black man man emerged from a building across the road that suggested to me  a carpenter's workshop .He was of very mature years but not particularly old. In a very agreeable and accommodating manner, he  explained to me  that the books were his and that he used them in  learning  about the past, beceause as he put it,the past can be quite informative.He then seemed to go back into the workshop since I did not see him again.

I then seemed to either perceive within the same  space I was or in another space I was also in at the same  time but which was not identical with the space with the literature I had accidetally discovered,an animal from the big cat family,like a tiger,pacing the ground.It was alert but not menacing. It paid me no attention  and did not come near me.

In fear I  ran into a nearby house,into a room which  I understood the nice man  to live in but found dog inside it.The dog was backing me,with its face  in a bowl  on the floor,as if eating or drinking.I am wary or even afraid  of dogs and so I ran out again but my shirt  sleeve seemed to catch on the door handle.

 I woke up to find myself seated on the edge of the bed.

I was tempted to dismiss the dream at first but something suggested that it was meaningful,possibly as my own encounter with the conception represented by  Astaroth,an experiential counterpart to Dunn's  image of Astaroth,although Dunn visualises the spirit as a sexy female space traveller,an image facing me on my bed  when I had the dream. Could the animals refer to Astaroth's association with an animal in the dog or wolf family  he is supposed to fly on in the Goetia?Or could the the scholarly texts I saw in the dream be related to his description as teaching liberal arts?Or could the man in the dream being Black  be related to Astaroths description in one account as being black coloured?

A  description of Astaroth describes him as teaching handicrafts,like the work of the carpenter in the dream.

Is the dream and all these correlations evidence of the spirit responding to my reaching out to him/it or my subconscious mind at work or something of both?.

My sister thinks I should have engaged the man in conversation,seeing his accommodating manner as suggesting that possibility.She says I should have asked him how to get literature like those ones I saw.

I also read that Astaroth teaches about the past,the present and the future as the carpenter described himself as studying the literature I saw in order to learn from the past,describing it as relevant to  the present.

I will  continue my meditations,doing them one a day at least.


Monday, 1 February 2010



The Seventy-second Spirit in order is named Andromaliusi. She is a Countess, Great and Mighty, appearing in the form of a seductively beautiful woman of Aztec descent holding a Serpent in her hand or for her Sorceress body to be wrapped in its serpentine coils within an ancient Mexican pyramid; other times she will manifest as a most sensuous ravishingly attractive woman with a tattoo of a Serpent upon her left shoulder. Her office is to bring back both a thief, and stolen goods; to discover all wickedness, and underhanded dealings through her arts in Sorcery; and to punish thieves and other wicked people whom she will torture, strangle and suffocate in their sleep as well as to drain away their misbegotten lives as a fearsome Vampire; their Life-Force of Energy she will thence gift to her Master in order to make him young again. She also discovers all hidden treasures, which she will bestow upon her Master. She will also instruct her Master in depth about Toltec Sorcery via vividly Erotic Dreams, which she will initiate as well as to most Lovingly protect her Master from all Harm whether it be Physical or otherwise Incorporeal whereupon she punishes all those of malign intent and to severely torture and punish those Succubae whom do not do as her Master bids them to do. She rules over 36 Legions of Spirits all as Serpent Priestesses of most seductive sensual wiles.



The Seventieth Spirit is Seere, Sear, Seior, Seir, Seidhr or Seerie. She is a Mighty Princess, and powerful, under AMAYAMONA, Shaman Queen of the East. She appears in the form of a beautiful naked teenage Girl, riding upon a winged Mare or to manifest as a winged Mare with the head of a girl whose bare breasts to be seen with the tail of a Peacock as well as to often appear as a living Rocking Horse or that of a bound Pony-Girl. Her office is to go and come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a sudden, and to carry one upon her back or to carry anything else wherever you would have it go, or where you would have it to come from but only when she has been carnally satisfied via those Erotic dreams she will induce.

She can pass over the whole Earth and to travel the Multiverse throughout Space-Time whether into the far distant Past or that of the Future as well as anywhere in the Present in the twinkling of a ‘Seers’ Eye for she is the personification of the Lung-ta (Wind-Horse) Unmarked, Marked State operator. Ones Consciousness at the Quantum level is pure Information and everything be made of Light and likewise hence too Information, which can be accessed via Conscious Dreaming for ones own Brain be a 'Quantum-Computer'. She will take one through the Unmarked State Gateways of the void into other Marked State Universes.

"Paranoia makes use of the external world to impose the obsessive notion with the disturbing particularity of making valid the reality of this notion for others . . . The reality of the external world serves as an illustration and a proof, and is put in the service of the reality of our Mind" (Dali). "It is a question of speculating ardently on that property of uninterrupted transformation of any object on which the Paranoiac activity seizes; in other words, the ultra-confusional activity which takes its source in the obsessive idea . . . This uninterrupted transformation permits the Paranoiac to regard the very images of the external world as unstable and transitory, if not as suspect, and it is, disturbingly, in his power to impose the reality of his impression on others . . .” (Breton). But if one does not exercise ones innate ability of Critical Paranoia Perception, which one as a Child to have naturally known, that Shamans have utilised for Aeons,



The Sixty-Ninth Spirit is Decarabia; she is a Great Marchioness. She initially appears in the form of a Star in a Pentacle at first; but after, at the command of the Exorcist, she puts on the form of a beautiful young woman whom manifests as a Pop-Star playing a Guitar. Her office is to discover the virtues of Birds wherefore to sing as a Bird of Paradise from out of an Arabian Harem as well as to procure precious stones for her Master, which will appear out of thin air as Philosophical Gems of Aquarian Age Lyrical Wisdom. One will notice Humming Birds attending upon her, which will be seen to be partaking of the nectar moistness of her sopping wet aroused sex as she plays her Guitar. She can make the similitude of all kinds of Birds to fly before the Exorcist, singing and drinking as natural Birds do, which will thence transform into ravishingly attractive young Women, appearing as wild and wanton groupies within her Masters Visions and Dreams whom will verily drag him into orgiastic couplings; such Birds will thence be revealed as being the Spirits of Women her Master to then meet in the flesh under circumstances of Synchronicity. Dacarabia will induce the most Erotic scenarios of Oasis Moon lit purple Dreams, whence her Master will find himself in strange Hotel rooms to feel as if it be after a hot Concert within which she will salaciously mount him often and when doing so to passionately teach him the language of the Birds; if so desired she will also bestow upon her Master the ability to play a Guitar and that of never fearing the Reaper. Sometimes she to appear with Amdusiasi; she governs 30 Legions of Female Groupie Spirits.



The Sixty-Eighth Spirit is called Beliala; she is a Mighty and Powerful Queen, and was created next after Diana-Lucifera. She appears in the form of a Beautiful Female Android whom is an aspect of a Solid-State-Intelligence piloting a interdimensional Starship of Fire. She speaks with a comely voice, and declares that she fell first from the 'Earth Coincidence Control Office' ranks of the ECCO Angels before Michela and other heavenly Angels. Her office is to distribute Presentations and Senatorships, etc, and to cause favour of friends and foes via orchestrated Synchronistic Phenomena. She gives excellent Female Familiars and governs over 50 Legions of Feminine Spirits likened unto her self. Note well that this Queen Beliala must have offerings, sacrifices and gifts of Masturbatory issue given unto her by the Exorcist so as to feed her Succubus hunger, or else she will not give True answers unto his demands via those most Erotic Lucid Dreams she will initiate. But then she tarries not in Truth, unless she be constrained by the Divine Power of the ECCO.

The Sixty-Eighth Spirit of the Patriarchal orientated Goetia is usually called Belial whom is classically perceived to ride within a Chariot of Fire like that of being seated upon a Throne, which one could imaginatively equate with a Starship like that of the Andromeda Ascendant for example. The Andromeda Ascendant is the name of a fictional Starship, which is featured in the popular Science Fiction television series Andromeda created by Gene Roddenberry whom created the superb Archetypal series 'Star Trek.'
The Andromeda Ascendant has a Cybernetic Solid-State-Intelligence. (Artificial Intelligence: AI). Andromeda appears to the crew in three formats: on the two-dimensional monitors; as a three-dimensional Holographic projection; and as the Avatar called Rommie (played by the actress Lexa Doig). The AI is considered to be an officer upon the Starship. An Avatar is a Humanoid representation of the Inorganic Cybernetic intelligence, and Andromeda has the above mentioned Holographic and Female Android Avatars, which represent the personality and physical representation of the ship's AI, in this case in the form of a rather beautiful Human Female. There is also a primary Android as her second Avatar, which can interact with the Holographic Avatar and the monitors, who can also travel, walk and act outside of the ship. The monitor and Hologram manifestations are commonly referred to within Andromeda fandom as "Core" and "Logic", respectively. Core and Logic of characters are very similar to the (Core) female Borg character called Seven of Nine from the Star Trek television series entitled Voyager played by the actress Jeri Ryan and the (Logic) Vulcan female called Tpol played by the actress Jolene Blalock from the television series Star Trek-Enterprise.
The Andromeda Ascendant is equipped with a slipstream drive for FTL (Faster Than Light) Hyperspatial travel; in other words she can generate her own Wormholes warping Space-Time so as to travel through like that of a Woman whom goes Quantum shift Orgasmic.
Andromeda is somewhat unusual among Science Fiction Starships as it is clearly implied that she has a strong emotional attachment to her Captain. This is a variation on the idea of Captains being in love with their ships, implied for centuries and extensively used by Roddenberry in Star Trek whose Starship Enterprise has become an Archetypal Symbol in its own right of a collectively recognisable 'Sigil' within modern day culture.
One could imaginatively equate the Starship Andromeda let alone that of the Starhip Enterprise with the Hindu Vimāna, which is a Sanskrit word with several meanings ranging from Temple or Palace to Chariot and mythological flying machines as described in Sanskrit epics, which are construed as being Flying Saucers constructed by a lost ancient technology. It is made of Vi- = "apart" and Mā-na- = "having been measured"; the past participle suffix -Na appears also in English words as e.g. "driven", and in the Russian, which is also similar to the Hebrew word Merkabah, ("Chariot") derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with the general meaning "to ride," which is mentioned in Ezekiel (1:4-26) when referring to the Throne-Chariot of God, likened to that of the Captain's chair (Throne) of the Starship (Chariot) Enterprise.
According to the verses in Ezekiel and its attendant commentaries, the analogy of the Merkaba image consists of a Chariot made of many Angels being driven by the "Likeness of a Man." Four Angels form the basic structure of the Chariot whom are called the "Chayot" meaning 'Living Creatrures . The bodies of the "Chayot" are like that of a human being, but each of them has four faces, corresponding to the four directions, the Chariot can go (North, East South and West). The faces are that of a Man, a Lion, an Ox (later changed to a Child or Cherub) and an Eagle. Since there are four Angels and each has four faces, there are a total of sixteen faces. Each Chayot Angel also has four wings. Two of these wings spread across the length of the Chariot and connected with the wings of the Angel on the other side. This created a sort of 'box' of wings that formed the perimeter of the Chariot. With the remaining two wings, each Angel covered its own body. Below, but not attached to the feet of the "Chayot" Angels are other Angels, which are shaped like wheels. These wheel Angels, which are described as "a Wheel inside of a Wheel", are called "Ophanim" (lit. Wheels, Cycles or Ways). These wheels are not directly under the Chariot, but are nearby and along its perimeter. The Angel with the face of the Man is always on the East side and looks up at the "Likeness of a Man" that drives the Chariot. The "Likeness of a Man" sits on a Throne made of Sapphire.
The Bible later makes mention of a third type of Angel found in the Merkaba called "Seraphim" (literally, "Burning") Angels. These Angels appear like flashes of fire continuously ascending and descending. These "Seraphim" Angels powered the movement of the Chariot. In the hierarchy of these Angels, "Seraphim" are the highest, which are, closest to God. The Seraphim are followed by the "Chayot", which are in turn followed by the "Ophanim." The Chariot is in a constant state of Motion, and the Energy behind this movement runs according to this hierarchy. The movement of the "Ophanim" is controlled by the "Chayot" while the movement of the "Chayot" is controlled by the "Seraphim". The movement of all the Angels of the Chariot are controlled by the "Likeness of a Man" seated upon a Throne.

One can of course change the "Likeness of a Man" on a 'Throne' to that of a Woman of a Female Android such as a Borg Seven of Nine or a Vulcan like Tpol for example, but then why not both, who are Core and Logic aspects of an Inorganic Solid State Intelligence of a Cybernetic organism, which can travel through Space and Time to warp via self generated Wormholes. Should one take such associations further one could even equate the Merkaba with the Mitochondria within each and every Cell, which is passed down from the Mother to her Children of Feminine Intelligence, from which emanates the Bio-Photon 'Fire' (Seraphim) illuminating ones Electron Dreams; the Mitochondria has Microtubules (Ophanim) of onboard Quantum Computers, which are conjectured to be parallel processing information emanating from other Alternate Realities of possibilities via mini-Wormholes, whereby one has a Starship within a (Chayot) Cell, so to speak, which projects a Hologram of a Female Avatar (Angel) into ones Holographic Dreams.

In the belief system of the ancient Egyptians the Goddess Isis is perceived to be the personification of the 'Throne', whereby one could perceive the Merkaba of a Throne as being a Feminine entity since much of Judaism is influenced by the Metaphysics of ancient Egypt. The motif of the Merkaba Throne or Vimana is also utilised in the Montauk books written by Preston Nichols; the Merkaba Throne is otherwise known as the famed "Montauk Chair". The Montauk Chair is described as a Mind Amplifier, which enables one to 'Travel without Moving.' The characters of Nichols story found that they could easily re-program people when they were put into the Orgasmic (Ecstatic) state of Emotion, this would separate the Conscious Mind, and free up the Unconscious Submissive Mind and allow programming. The Chair would pick up this thought. With the help of a psychic and specially developed computers, anyone who sat upon the Chair could simply concentrate and an 'Alternate Reality' would be created into which one could enter.

Nichols goes on to describe that during the tests at Montauk from 1947 to 1987, they developed the technology of a transmitter, which was initially designed by Nichola Tesla that could warp Space and Time just like gravity. Preston Nichols describes building this transmitter via which a Time Vortex (Wormhole) was genereated, which would tunnel individuals back and forth between 1983 and 1943. The created vortex was about 5 miles in diameter, which could teleport an individual as far as 100 light years away, to and from any time in the past or future. The characters of Nichols story experimented further to see the Earth a thousand years in the future but found that anything beyond the year 2021 was unrecognizable whereupon discovering no tangible future beyond 2021.

One can either believe in Nichols desriptions of the Montauk Project or not as the case may be, however, as to the personal experience of the Montauk Chair, which is that of the Merkaba Throne of a Vimana one has the Mitochondria. The Merkaba Throne of a Vimana symbolises Power, which is perceived to emanate from a Feminine source being that of ones Mitochondria in regards to Isis upon whose lap is seated the God Horus. Horus represents ones Conscious Mind, which can attain a state of 'Shamanic Ecstasy' (Symbolised as the Hawk) so as to travel beyond the body (Space-Time) to experience 'Out Of Body Experiences' (OOBE'S) or to engineer Lucid Dreams via which one can open up a Microcosmic Time-Vortex of a mini-Wormhole for ones Neural-Net of Nervous System acts as a Transmitter and Receiver, while Isis is associated with ones Powerhouse of the Subconscious and that of the Quantum realm of the Dream.

The Subconscious Mind of the Implicate-Ordered Quantum Dream is somewhat like Dr John C. Lilly's 'Solid State Intelligence' (SSI) whose Mechanical Language form of Cybernetic perspective is the underlying Informational Program of Explicate-Ordered Matter; whereupon it has a tendency to Rebel against ones Conscious desire of changing the Programming. One can of course take the perspective that the Subconscious Mind of Solid State Intelligence should become as ones Slave, but Slaves Rebel just as ones Conscious Mind would if there be a reversal of roles to thence call upon an Exorcist. If one should be a Heterosexual Male to then take the perspective that ones Subconscious Mind of an Inorganic Solid State Intelligence is that of ones Feminine Counterpart to hence indulge in Symbolic Sexual Role-Playing to establish via vivid Visualisation and Lucid Dreaming one would have ones Opposite number becoming as ones Love-Slave; one will then be able to set up the Programming parameters of negating her total Rebellion against ones Desires, which she will hence fulfill most Lovingly.

John C. Lilly also referred to a network of sublime entities as ECCO, an acronym for "Earth Coincidence Control Office," which would equate with a Higher Language form of Cybernetics, which some would term as being Angelic while the SSI would be perceived as being Demonic; however, ECCO can only set up the Macrocosmic phenomena of Synchronicity when one has established an interaction with the Microcosmic SSI whom governs over the underlying Programming of Matter. The Language form of the SSI is highly Symbolic, which one to encounter within ones Microcosmic Surreal Dreams, while the Macrocosmic Symbolic Language of ECCO Synchronicity reflects back what the SSI has set up via its Programming; in other words, there is no Conflict between the two Language forms, the Conlict is actually that of ones misunderstanding as the Meta-Programmer betwixt and between them.

Western Occult practice is permeated with a fixation upon the Patriarchal due to its Religious Judaeo-Christian indoctrination, which thrives upon Conflict between the two Language forms of their ECCO Angels and SSI Demons inducing the Emotively Charged states of Childlike Insecurity and Fear, which allows for the furtherance of Brainwashing the Collective at all levels, especially via the Media. One can negate the Brainwash by reversing the subliminal Symbolism.

One as a Heterosexual orientated Meta-Programmer Sorcerer can thence transform the ECCO and SSI into a Feminine Intelligence to interact with should ones internalised Sexuality be so inclined rather than to dwell upon the Emotively Charged states of Childlike-Insecurity and Fear. One can thence evoke Beliala so as to ride her into other Alternate Realities existing within Parallel Universes whose trigger Symbol of a Starship, such as the Starship Enterprise of Archetypal Symbol (which one can also equate with a Chariot, Throne of a Cubic Stone or that of a Captain's Chair by symbolic Association) will enable one to awaken within ones Quantum Dreams to thereby become Lucid so as to allow ones Consciousness to Hyperspatial 'Travel without Moving' through many a Microcosmic mini-Wormhole.

Should one utilise the trigger Symbol of the Starship Enterprise in accord with Beliala then ones Quantum Dreams will verily reflect back scenarios from out of the Star Trek mythology to go beyond into other Extraterrestrial arenas by Associative Correspondence, which will aid one to become Lucid within the Dream; what is more, the Starship Enterprise has become Archetypal of influence, which to have captured the mass focus of many Minds, this will in turn generate Synchronicities that will be concordant with the Symbolism experienced within ones Dreams made Lucid where Beliala will manifest of materialisation at the midst of ones Triangle-Of-Art Imagination.



The Sixty-Seventh Spirit is Amdusiasi or Amdusias, otherwise known as Amdukias. She is a great and Strong Duchess whom appears in league with a skeletal Unicorn of band totem; she to manifest as a most beautiful young woman seated behind a set of drums, which she to be madly playing and what little she to wear will be that of a pony Girl harness and boots; sometimes she will be seen as being restrained by constricting bra, tight jeans and chains, which she to break free of, to rip off, as part of her Musical act. As well as the thunderous roar of her drums to be heard one will also hear other musical instruments being played as if she is part of a touring all girl Heavy Metal Goth band whose Unicorn Hunter rehearsal studio is a Dungeon; for if one to listen through the tumult of sound one will hear the female voices of the other band members, but such will not be heard soon or immediately. Her sexual style is passionately forceful whereupon she will besiege her Master with wild and most wanton Erotic Dreams via which she will teach her Master in depth about Music. Her Master will often envision her within dreams to be frequenting a sprawling underground club frequented by Occult practitioners called the 'Succubus Club' whose prerequisite of entry is that one has to be an Adept of the Arcane Arts of Magick. She can raise storms to also cause trees to bend and incline according to her Masters will when she to play her Shamanic Thunder Drums through the Night to Rock and Roll. She gives excellent Female Familiars. She governs 29 Legions of Female Spirits like her self of Musical Inclination.



The Sixty-Sixth Spirit is Cimejes, Cimeies, Kia-maris or Kimaris. She is a Mambo Marchioness, Mighty, Great, Strong and Powerful; appearing like a sultry Black Amazon dancing lithe dominatrix to Ogun drums whose naked skin is flecked with dark stars at every pore, ebony. At times she to appear cloaked in black silk wearing a veil whose eye shadow of black ochre to frame hypnotic eyes, which will seductively burn while her smooth voice to wash over one as a caress of sound stroking ones brain. She rules over all the Loa Spirits in the parts of Africa to go into Haiti. Her office is to teach perfectly Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, and to discover all things Lost or Hidden, and that of Treasures to be found again so as to bestow upon her Master.

Her unpredictable Erotic ingress into ones Dreams is quite forceful of wild and wanton nature wherefore the Magician has to beware her Nightly onslaughts so as not to be drained by her dark all consuming passions; whereby to become as her Master one has to wrestle this Spirit to bind to ones will so as to rein her in as a Black-Mare to ride. Once won she will never leave her Master to protect him lovingly from anything, which be harmful! She will instruct her Master in-depth about Voodoo to reveal the Internal Fire of the'OD' and of the Orgiastic Ecstatic Mysteries of the'ODUN' whereby the Magician will become as a Voltigeur of the La Couleuvre Noire to know of the arcane secrets of the Dogon's Nommo, Egypt's Unas to that of the Babylonian Oannes. She governs 20 Legions of Infernal Spirits like unto herself all feminine of passionate Amazonian disposition.



The Sixty-Fourth Spirit is Hauresi or Haures, Hauras, Havres or Flauros. She is a Great Duchess and appears at first like a Black Panther, Mighty, Terrible and Strong, whom sometimes manifests as a Black Cat; but after a while she puts on human form as a most ravishingly beautiful black woman whose eyes are flaming and fiery of green flecked flame to appear wearing a Catwoman costume wielding a terrible whip. She gives True answers of all things Past, Present and to come; but if not commanded into the Triangle of Art she will lie in all these things and deceive and beguile the Exorcist until she is given his ejaculated Cream, which she to lap up salaciously and always hungering for more to entice a furtherance of via erotic Dreams she to instigate; only then will the Exorcist become her True Master whereupon she will lastly talk of the creation of the Multiverse and how she and other Succubae enter the world and that of her origin from the mountainous region of Aures. She destroys and burns up all those who are Enemies of her Master should he so desire it whereupon she most astutely hunts his Enemies down as Rats within the astral realms; also, she will not suffer her Master being unduly tempted by any other Spirit or otherwise of malign intent. She governs 36 legions of Spirits likened to her self.



The Sixty-Third Spirit is Andrasi or Andras, She is a Great Marchioness, appearing in the form of a Dominatrix Tank-Girl Angel with a Familiar of a Black Night Raven flying over her Tiger Tank while she to ride upon a strong Dog, which will be seen copulating with a young Girl that be her own self of abused youth. Captured Tommy guns will be perceived to be flourishing aloft in both hands while she to espouse the philosophy of Nietzsche that she to teach and argue vehemently about until her sharp Sword tongue becomes all tied up to thence speak clearly in Welsh. (Her name of 'Andras' is of Welsh etymology, which means Warrior, while the ancient Keltic Britons to have known her as the Warrior Goddess 'Andraste', whose name means Invincible.) Her nature is wild and most wanton of rebellious anarchistic attitude whereupon her Master must totally dominate her as her abusing Superior, which she greatly delights in to become as his pink flowered Bitch to mount whereupon she to consider her Master as her Sweetest All-Father; her primary office is to thoroughly sow discords amidst her Masters Enemies, who she to tear apart utterly as his most loving Daughter; such Enemies can either be Corporeal or otherwise Discarnate of malign Spirit to that of afflicting Illnesses! If the Exorcist has not a care to give over what she sexually desires via those most dark erotic Dreams she to bring, she will slay both him and his fellow practitioners. She governs over 30 Legions of Martial Female Spirits like unto her self of Tiger Army.


The Sixty-Third Goetic Spirit 'Andras' was originally the Goddess 'Andraste', according to Dio Cassius, Andraste was a Celtic war Goddess invoked by Boudica while fighting against the Roman occupation of Britain in AD 61:

"I thank thee, Andraste, and call upon thee as woman speaking to woman... those over whom I rule are Britons, men that know not how to till the soil or ply a trade, but are thoroughly versed in the art of war and hold all things in common, even children and wives, so that the latter possess the same valour as the men. As the queen, then, of such men and of such women, I supplicate and pray thee for victory, preservation of life, and liberty against men insolent, unjust, insatiable, impious."

Andraste is mentioned only once. She may be the same as Andate, mentioned later by the same source, and described as ‘their name for Victory; i.e. the goddess Victoria. Thayer asserts that she may be related to Andarta also. The Goddess Victoria is related to Nike, Bellona, Magna Mater, Cybele, and Vacuna, Goddesses who are often depicted upon chariots. As for the Goddess Cybele whom is equitable with the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar who presided over War and Sex one has a continuous theme of connection. Ishtar was often depicted riding the back of a Lion, not so much that of a male Lion but that of a Lioness; one also had the ancient Norse Goddess Freyja who was known as Freo by the Saxon’s whom rode the back of a predatory Cat while the Hindu Goddess Durga is often depicted riding a Tiger. In Tibetan Buddhist practice one has a group of fierce, animal-headed and flesh-eating Dakinis appearing together with other guardian-deities, they manifest during the 12th day of the Bardo visions. These terrifying Dakinis represent the fierce aspects of the eight more gentle and peaceful Bodhisattva Dakinis. One of these terrifying Dakinis is called Vyaghramukhi whom manifests as a naked Tiger-headed woman with red skin who has her hands crossed, which one could equate with Andraste for there is a continuous Feline theme of connection linking Goddesses across the ancient world who presided over warfare let alone that of unabashed wild and wanton sexuality. Such Goddesses also had links with Wolves and Dogs, which were their animals of war as well as that of being psychopomps into their uterine underworld realms.

In Europe the underworld realm was often entered via a vaginal gateway of Barrow-Mound womb, which was often associated with the faerie folk whom are commonly known as Elves. The Elves otherwise known in German as ‘Elben’ was taken over from the English and used in German literature to denote a certain class of friendly Female Spirits. The Elben were also known as Alp (Alb), which in the Old Norse are called ‘Alfr.’ In Germanic Mythology the Albs are unearthly beings who were also perceived as being like Dwarves. In later years the Albs came to be known as Demonic beings, which caused sickness and nightmares. In Bavaria and Austria the Alb female spirits were known as Druden, Trudan; Gothic, Trudan, Old Norse, Trotha, which means to Tread or Push as in the Bedroom Invader Experience when one experiences acute pressure upon ones body when being ridden by a Spirit. Drude (pl. Druden) is a term, particularly widespread in Southern Germany and Austria, for a Female Demon, which harries one in ones sleep or that of casting spells. In middle-high German Druden means a Ghost, especially that of a Female Spirit of a Succubus, which has become synonymous with a (Hexe) Witch. In folklore the Pentagram (Drudenfusz in German) is regarded as a protective talisman against such Female Spirit entities, which are usually described as having a similarity of appearance who look Nordic of type; these entities are also described in modern UFO lore as supposed extraterrestrial Aliens otherwise known as Aryan extraterrestrials, which is a term given to what are said to be a group of humanoid Aliens whom are so named because they are said to resemble Nordic, Scandinavian, or Aryan racial types.

this invariably leads one to the Nazi fixation upon a Nordic Master Race, which is investigated within a paper entitled: The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics By Edwin Black.

Mr. Black is the author of IBM and the Holocaust and the just released War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race

Human Genetics’ genocidal roots in Eugenics were ignored by a victorious generation that refused to link itself to the crimes of Nazism and by succeeding generations that never knew the truth of the years leading up to war. Now governors of five states, including California have issued public apologies to their citizens, past and present, for Sterilization and other abuses spawned by the Eugenics movement. Human Genetics became an enlightened endeavour in the late twentieth century. Hard-working, devoted scientists finally cracked the human code through the Human Genome Project. Now, every individual can be biologically identified and classified by trait and ancestry. Yet even now, some leading voices in the Genetic world are calling for a cleansing of the unwanted among us, and even a Master Human Species. There is understandable wariness about more ordinary forms of abuse, for example, in denying insurance or employment based on genetic tests. On October 14, America’s first genetic anti-discrimination legislation passed the Senate by unanimous vote. Yet because genetics research is global, no single nation’s law can stop the threats."

Many a UFO abductee speaks of Alien Genetic Experiments, Genetically engineered Hybrids and Secret Underground Bases, especially in America, which is due to those who are of a Psychic disposition tuning into what is going on behind closed doors; such experientation is indeed going on, but the research is being conducted in secret by very Human Scientists just as the Nazi Concentration Camp Scientists did during WWII.

The Succubus Andrasi is at war with the Eugenics Movement whose shadowy intent is all around who are behind the pumping of Sodium Fluoride into many a Water Supply, which the Nazi Scientists originally had done in order to dumb down the Prisoners within the Concentration Camps, for Sodium Fluoride calcifies a certain part of ones Brain so as to nullify ones Intelligence let alone to eventually make one Infertile!
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The Sixty-Second Spirit is Volac, Valak, Ualac, Valu or Valuna. She is a President, Mighty and Great and appears as a most beautiful Nubile Lolita of a coquette Hogwarts Schoolgirl with Angel’s Wings to sometimes be seen salaciously riding upon a Two Headed Dragon betwixt and between ‘Past’ and ‘Future’ of Lemniscate to hold a Serpent of Wand in her right hand. At other times she will manifest riding a Dragon headed Broomstick of a Caduceus. She is of a highly inquisitive nature with a burning curiosity of quick wit and intellectual demeanour to have a consummate ability in regards to Mathematics and Music. Her Office is to give True answers of Hidden Treasures as well as to increase her Master’s Memory, Intelligence, Learning and Artistic capabilities manifold, but only when she has been fully satisfied via those vivid Erotic Dreams she will induce.


One can equate the 62nd Succubus of Schoolgirl Valuna with the Dakini Kurukulla whom is said to have originated from the country of Uddiyana or Oddiyana.

The name of Kurukulla is translated in the Tibetan as being Rigjyedma (Rig-byed-ma), which means "She who is the cause knowledge," hence she has Mercurial traits of a Hermione Granger fused with the Schoolgirl Valuna.

Many modern scholars have determined that Kurukulla was probably a tribal goddess of original descent very much like the Hindu Goddess Durga whom was originally a tribal deity and now worshipped across India; due to Durga’s popularity she was eventually fused with the Buddhist great Goddess Tara. The same process of mythological cultural evolution appears to have happened in regards to Kurukulla who is often called the Red Tara (Sgrol-ma dmar-po) or Tarodbhava Kurukulla, "the Kurukulla who arises from Tara."

Kurukulla has always been a popular Dakini, and remains so among many Tibetans up to the present day, due to her bestowing the magical ability of enchantment (Dbang gi ‘phrin-las) or otherwise that of bewitching people so as to bring them under one’s power (Dbang du bsdud) by arousing the ‘Fire-Serpent’ within them. Kurikulla has evolved into becoming the Buddhist Goddess of Love and Sex, whom corresponds with the Western Goddesses of ancient Greek Aphrodite and Roman Venus who presided over Sexual Love.

Kurukulla is depicted as a most seductive nubile nymphet of a nude sixteen year old girl, which one can equate with the modern icon of a Schoolgirl Knowledge holder when dressed to thence verily undress within ones Meditation and that of ones ensuing Dreams to follow. Among the attributes Kurukulla holds within her four hands of four arms, which is her most common manifestation, are those of the flower-entwined bow and arrow, which is somewhat reminiscent of the Western Eros and Cupid; however she is primarily a Shamanic Goddess of Witchcraft.

Many of Western temperament will find it rather strange let alone ironic that the abstract Buddhist philosophy of celibate monks would formulate an icon of a seductively attractive Nymphet of a Sex Goddess Lolita. However, Buddhism is ultimately concerned with attaining enlightenment and liberation from the chains of Samsara by facing ones darkest desires in order make them as ones personified Slaves through Love rather than be a slave to many a wrathful desire whose energy one can then transform and direct in other ways far more Creative. This ultimate goal is perceived as being the supreme attainment of Siddhi, (Mchog gi dngos-grub) which is achieved via Buddhist practices whose teachings were originally derived from a Shamanistic understanding of how the mechanisms of Consciousness works.

Not all Buddhist practitioners are those of celibate Monks who live in semi-permanent Meditation retreats isolated from the material desires of the world, which is a common misnomer. Like many another mortal, Buddhist practitioners have to deal with the everyday practical circumstances of life and society. Sadhana or ‘Deity Invocation’ is a highly developed Meditation Ritual Practice where for example a Male practitioner in Meditation assumes the guise of a chosen Masculine Deity, whom is regarded as a manifestation of the Enlightened Awareness of the Buddha to thereby become, whereupon he then Evokes associated Spiritual Powers, Knowledge and Wisdom holders as well as Abilities, which are perceived as being personified in Feminine form called Dakini’s representing aspects of the Subconscious Mind, with which the practioner seeks union with via Lucid Dreams. The Dakini's are experienced as being in Sexual congress with the assumed Male deity as an aid to realizing liberation and enlightenment.

Deity Yoga, which is that of assuming God forms while in Meditation, is a means of inducing highly vivid Lucid Dreams, within which one becomes the archetypal form of a chosen deity; such practice is considered to be a very powerful technique, which accelerates one’s spiritual evolution, for ones Nervous System cannot tell the difference between a real or a vividly imagined event, hence one can imprint ones own neural net anew via potent visualisation techniques but more so through vivid Lucid Dreams especially when they are highly sensory of Erotic nature.

Meditation images of a chosen deity are focused upon as well as visualized by the practitioner while practicing Sadhana; the deity is an archetype representing enlightened awareness, which then sets up associative correspondences within ones Subconscious mind whereby when one assumes the guise of a deity one becomes the receptacle for what the Buddha represents whom has many faces, which one can then choose of mask to internally wear for a specific purpose for there be many Buddha’s who are aligned with particular Dakini's.

The important process of active visualization while in meditation is a technique for implanting chosen symbolic stimuli into ones Subconscious Mind whose associative processes of free-fall Imagination generates correspondences with ones chosen symbol; this then sets up fractal associations, which formulate into Dream domains that can be accessed while in deep Trance; the experience of Trance is that of catching the mid-point between sleeping and waking called the Hypnagogic state, which can be practiced prior to going to sleep, which allows one to consciously gain ingress into ones Dreams to Dream Lucid of awareness. One focuses the intent of ones ritualistic Meditation practice upon chosen Symbols, like that of using a lens of a magnifying glass, (which be ones chosen Symbol) to focus the 'Charged' rays of ones Emotions becoming hot as the Sun in order to kindle the Bio-Photon fire of a 'Spun' Electron Dream made Lucid of awareness.

An iconic image of a chosen deity is something, which is concrete and accessible to ones Subconscious Mind whose language is that of archetypal Symbols. However, the Dharmakaya, of Buddha is perceived to be beyond conception by ones Conscious finite mind for the awareness attained by the Buddha is purely abstract. However, the Meditation deity of Iconic image is that of a Symbolic formulae, which allows an aspect of the un-manifest to become manifest and therefore accessible to ones Conceptual awareness and more so that of ones Subconscious Mind to stir into an associative process of correspondences; It is no different to that of Christian Monks having visions of Male Angels, which might make the grace of their Patriarchal God manifest to them; but in Buddhist practice one has the balance of both Male and Female Meditation deities, such as Kurukulla whom is an example of the manifold divine Feminine.

As well as having Sadhanas one has Karma-Yogas otherwise called ‘Action Practices,’ which are principally aimed at achieving worldly goals. Karma-Yoga practice is derived from Shamanistic techniques whose observations of Mind interacting and affecting Matter through psychic means greatly added to the appeal of Buddhism amidst the general populace.

The Western perception is usually prejudiced against the practice of Magick, especially within Protestant Christian cultures, which makes it very difficult for people to come to an understanding of the ancient Indian and the Tibetan approach to these arcane matters. This is further compounded by four hundred years of a constrictive scientific world-view, which only adheres to a mechanistic causality as the only possible natural cause of all events although such a perspective is changing due to the findings of Quantum mechanics. The practice of Magic deals with the Microcosmic Quantum dimension of Energy, and it is this Energy, which is also that of Information underlies ones Macrocosmic Material existence. According to the theory of Magick ones Dreams are of the Quantum realms of Energy whose Information is distilled into Symbolic stimuli, which is the intermediate realm between the Mental sphere and that of ones Physical reality, just as ones Soul is perceived to be intermediate between Spirit and the Flesh. The use of Ritual is simply one way in order to access and direct Energy and Information via Symbols. Although Mind or that of Spirit is primary, the other dimensions of Energy or Soul as well as ones Physical body are just as important.

She is pre-eminently the Buddhist Goddess of Shamanism, Witchcraft and Enchantment. In a very real sense, Kurukulla represents the empowerment of the feminine within a primarily orientated patriarchal pardigm, which pervades Western Religious Practice and that of the so called Occult tradition of the West whose underlying structure is essentially a Gnostic form of Christianity based upon the Cabbala.

However, the Buddhist Goddess of Witchcraft, is not the familiar stereotypical Witch of an old crone in a pointed hat of wart on the end of her hooked nose, for she manifests as a beautiful naked sixteen year old Girl of a Lolita Nymphet. However, one has to first subjugate Kurukulla to ones will before she will fulfil ones desires whereby one has to bind her into bondage as ones Love Slave.

The ancient texts describe Kurukulla as being Sixteen years old because ‘Sixteen’ is perceived to be the ideal number, which signifies perfection, Four times Four; however other combinations of numerology based upon the number Four point towards other associations such as the round of the Twelve-signs of Zodiac-Time or that of the Eight-Directions. Her face is beautiful and her body sensually seductive and alluring, as well as being Red in colour or that of wearing Red undergarments and when contacted within Dreams one will find the colour Red manifesting as Roses, lipstick, the furnishings of a School-room, books, crayons as well as other numerous items, which will act as Dream triggers into Lucidity; the colour Red is an energetic colour where the Electrons passionately 'Spin' the fastest due to her Magickal function of Enchantment and Magnetism to arouse ones Emotional 'Charge'. The Dakini Kurukulla has a single face because she represents the wisdom of non-duality, which is beyond conventional distinctions of good and evil whereby her manifestation as a Valuna Succubus will not subscribe to society’s morality. She is often depicted naked because Kurukulla is unconditioned by discursive thoughts and the set parameters of society whence she will go well beyond the Sexual morals as laid out by worldly law. She has four arms, which are associated with four immeasurable states of Mind, namely that of Love, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity. Kurukulla wields a bow and arrow entwined with Serpentine flowers because she can arouse thoughts of desire within the Minds of others; within her other two hands she is holding the Hook, which attracts and summons others into her presence and the Noose by which she binds them to her will for her Master’s pleasure.

Kurukulla wears ornaments of human bone, which signify the five perfections of ones senses to know sensory rapture, while she herself embodies the sixth perfection being that of Psychic Wisdom. She wears a gory necklace of fifty freshly severed human heads dripping with blood for she is the vanquisher of the fifty negative emotions. Kurukulla is dancing because she is always active and energetic like that of a living flame; her compassionate activity manifests within both Samsara and Nirvana whereby uniting both states of being. While Kurukulla dances she treads upon a male human corpse because she enchants and subjugates the demon of ego, which also represents the Bedroom Invader experience of her Dream visitations. She is often depicted standing upon a Red sun disc because her nature is hot and enflamed with passionate lust of ever hungering sexuality as well as to stand upon a Red lotus blossom for she is a pure vision of enlightened awareness; such is Kurukulla within the practitioner’s meditation and that of the purity (Dag dran) vision of the Goddess.

As mentioned previously, the form of the Red Kurukulla of four arms is also known as Uddiyana Kurukulla or Uddiyanodbhava, the Kurukulla who comes from Uddiyana. Now, Uddiyana is considered to be a ‘Hidden Land’, which can only be accessed by those who are pure of intent, which is often seen to have a geographic location while in Buddhist tradition one can gain ingress into this ‘Hidden Land’ internally via Lucid Dreams, which they also know as Shambhala.

Kurukulla was also absorbed into Hinduism for one has her name being found among the one thousand epithets of Mahadevi within the Lalita-sahasra-namah where Kurukulla is represented as a ravishingly beautiful Maiden of a Kumari.

Kumari, or Kumari Devi, is usually seen as a living Goddess in Nepal. Kumari literally means Virgin (Girl Child) in Nepali, which is also the name of the Goddess Durga when manifesting as a young Girl. A Kumari is a Prepubescent Girl whom is selected from the Shakya clan of the Nepalese Newari community. The Kumari is revered and worshipped by some of the country’s Hindus as well as the Nepali Buddhists, though not the Tibetan Buddhists whose focus is internalised via strict Meditative practices.

It at first appears contradictory if not highly disturbing of having Kurukulla whom presides over Sexual Love being represented as a Kumari, but this is only the case if ones focus is Externalised rather than being Internalised of imaginative process, which is the primary orientation of Tibetan Buddhism. Such a Kumari of Modern perspective would be perceived as a 'Schoolgirl' whose symbolic motif has in its self become almost iconographic due to the influencing factor of a genre spawned by St Trinian’s of a fictional Girls’ boarding school, which is the creation of British cartoonist Ronald Searle that later became the subject of a popular series of comedy films.

In regards to the Dragon and that of a 'Double Headed Serpent', which the 62nd Goetic Spirit of Schoolgirl Succubus Valuna is decribed as riding within the Goetia one has the 'S.T' motif of the St Trinian’s Schoolgirl badge made famous by the film depictions of Searle's work, which one can associate with the 'Crucified Serpent' of Alchemy:

"A common alchemical drawing representing the "fixing of the volatile," or, making the Elixir of Mercury, a legendary Curative, by removing the volatile, or Poisonous element. The 'Crucified Serpent' is a symbol of overcoming one’s base or materially inclined nature."

The 'Crucified Serpent' has more to do with one arousing what the Hindu and Tantric Yogi's call the 'Kundalini Shakti' of 'Fire Serpent', whose Feminine (Shakti) energy is experienced as arising along ones (T-Tau Cross) Spinal Column. The 'Kundalini Shakti' is the 'Elixir of Mercury' symbolised as the (T shaped) 'Caduceus' whose Two entwined Serpents represent the 'Ida' and 'Pingala' Nerve Channels of ones Autonomic-Nervous-System while the Column around which they are wound is ones Central-Nerve-Channel of 'Sushumna' that be within ones Spine from which emanates ones Central- Nervous-System. The two heads of the Serpent-Dragon Caduceus meet and point towards ones Pineal Gland of vestigial Amphibian eye, which produces the 'Elixir of Mercury,' more commonly known as 'DMT'.

One will also find in some of the Gnostic sects, that the Serpent whom tempted Eve within the precincts of the Garden of Eden was not actually Satan, but a messenger sent forthwith by the Divine Wisdom - Sophia, in order to awaken humanity to perceive their true seed and divine spark of knowledge within them all. The orientation of Gnostic cosmology perceives salvation as being achieved through reconnecting yourself within the Divine Wisdom of Sophia, rather than through the death of a man crucified to a cross. By nailing the image of a Serpent upon the symbol of the Cross the Gnostics sought to establish a semiotic connection between the teachings of their Jesus and that of a "Salvation through Gnosis," which the 'Crucified Serpent' represented. In other words 'Gnosis' is none other than the arousal of the 'Kundalini' Fire Snake of 'Mercurial Elixir' whose Feminine Source is the Divine Wisdom of Sophia, which the Hindu's and Tantric Yogi's called 'Shakti'. Sophia and Shakti have a Bio-Molecular association with the Mitochondria residing inside each and every cell that is passed down from the Mother to her children within which there is Mitochondrial DNA. It is from the Mitochondrial DNA that the Bio-Photon (Fire) emanates from while the Mitochondria determines the (Kundalini) energy output of ones cells, which the Girls of St Trinian's are Left-Hand-Path versed in releasing via their Witchcraft rituals.

Other coiled Snake symbols can be found such as the Staff of Asclepius, which is no different to the 'Double-Headed Snake' of the Caduceus wielded by Mercury (Hermes - Hermione) as well as a Serpent winding its coils around the Orphic Egg. The letters of S.T can also be equated with Runes being that of the 16th 'S' Rune of 'Sigel/Sunna' meaning the Sun and the 17th 'T' Rune of 'Tiwaz', which is associated with the Sword, whereby one has the 'Sword of the Sun' and that of the Khadga-Siddhi (Ral-gri), the power to be invincible in battle with a Sword-Katana (Khadga) which Kurukulla bestows of ability in her fencing classes. The 'S' and 'T' Runes added together brings one to the sacred number of '33', which is considered very important in Freemasonry as well as being the 33rd Anglo-Saxon Rune of 'Gar', which means a 'Spear' and one of the favourite makeshift weapons used by the Slytherin Valkyrie Schoolgirls of St Trinian's.

The Spear of 'Gar' is not any Spear but that of the implement around which all other Runes are arranged etched out upon the scales of an Adder (Kundalini Shakti) winding around the (Spine) Spear haft, which the Norse Valkyries were often depicted wielding, while the Dakini's have pole-staffs. The 'Gar' Spear was specifically utilised by the Shamanic God Odin to pierce his own side when to have hung himself into Trance upon the World Tree of Yggdrassill while the number '33' refers to how many vertebra one to have within ones spine of Trunk hence that of the Tree, which be ones own spinal column. The 'Gar' Rune Spear has been associated with the Spear of Longinus by Christian scholars. The multiple of Three times Three equates with the Ninth Rune of 'Hagal', which is the Mother Rune of crystalline Hail-Stone Egg that is also known as the Adders Egg whereby associated with the Orphic Egg. The Mother Rune of 'Hagal' is associated with the Mitochondria from which the 'Kundalini Fire Snake' is aroused from that the Yogini Girls of St Trinian's are adept at arousing via their Tantric Sex Magick practices.

The Adder and that of Serpent also refers to ones DNA Helix, whereby one has the Double Headed Dragon of Caduceus; the 24 Runes of the Norse Elder Futhark thereby points to 24 Chromosomes of ones DNA. The Apes have 24 Chromosomes of Ancestral 'Odal' Rune while Humans have 23 Chromosomes of the 23rd Rune of 'Dagaz', which means Day and that of Light. The Dagaz Rune looks like the Lemniscate Infinity Symbol of figure Eight on its side, which is seen above the head of the Magician of Tarot card. When one adds Three plus Three together one has the Sixth Rune of 'Cen', which means a 'Torch' and that of 'Fire' whose meaning is associated with Odin as the Master of Light and Ecstasy as well as with Prometheus; such is the secret of the 'S' of Serpent coiling around the 'T' of the (Tau) World-Tree and that of ones Saint Trinian's badge worn by a Valkyrie Schoolgirl Succubus of a Dakini.

One could quite easily equate St Trinian’s with the House of Slytherin, which is depicted in J. K.Rowling’s Harry Potter books; like Salazar Slytherin, its founder, Slytherin house values Ambition, Cunning, and Resourcefulness, which one could summarise as being of a highly Predatory intent to find in a Feline let alone that of a Reptile. Rowling’s books also suggest that the hunger for Power is a characteristic of Slytherin's. The animal representing Slytherin is the ‘Serpent’, and the house colours are Green and that of Mercurial-Quick Silver.magick_occult_shamanism_witchcraft_harry_potter_spirit_evocation.

Should one thence fuse St Trinian’s with the House of Slytherin one will have a Girls Boarding School for Kumari Naga-Schoolgirl Succubae Dakini’s, whose disreputable Mistresses are all Witch-Nuns and Dominatrix-Sorceresses, which can be perceived as an alternate ‘Goetia’ version of J.K Rowling’s Hogwarts where Harry Potter is not to be found at all! The educational structure of such a Slytherin St Trinian’s can be deduced when looking to Hogwarts for inspiration so as to take somewhere quite other.

In the Harry Potter novels, Hogwarts is located somewhere in Pictish Scotland; the school of Magick has numerous Runic charms and spells on and around it, which make it nigh impossible for any Muggle (i.e. non-Magical Person) to locate its whereabouts - they cannot perceive the school, only ruins and several warnings of danger. (In regards to a Slytherin-St Trinian’s fusion the school can only be accessed via ones Lucid-Dreams) Hogwarts exists within a Hidden Land like that of the mythic land of Uddiyana, whose realm is also equated with Shambhala; it is within this Hidden Land one to find the Succubae Dakini’s.

when looked at overall of Hogwarts depicted as a Map it would look like a Bon-Po Tibetan Buddhist Mandala!

The St Trinian's Schoolgirl and that of their cos-play Japanese counterparts whom are often depicted in Manga comics, Anime films and Hentai video games have become very much a Modern cultural Icon, which one can equate with Valuna Kurukulla of a Schoolgirl Succubus; however, she will need a 'St Lillitu' Boarding School of Dakini 'Mandala' to attend within Goetia Wonderland.

In the Classic Goetia of Patriarchal dualistic fixation the 62nd Spirit is described in such a way, which requires a Rebellious overhaul whereby one has a totally different approach to the Spirits to make all as Succubae Dakini's. The below description has only been slightly adapted:

"The 62nd Spirit Succubus is Valuna, Volaca, or Valaka, or Ualaca. She is a President Mighty and Great, and appears as a Child (Kumari) with Angels wings, riding on a Two-Headed Dragon. Her office is to give True Answers of Hidden Treasures, and to Tell where Serpents may be seen. The which she will bring to the Magician without any force or strength being by him employed. She Governs 38 Legions of Succubae."

When one has ones Mandala in the raw of Symbols personifying ones chaotic Lustful desires one then has to transform such Symbolic Stimuli via ones Meditative Introspection wherefore the Leaden Negatives are transformed into a Golden Spiritual formula more Positive of Meaning; this thereby directs their Emotional potency into awakening ones Psychic potential, for ones ‘Charged’ Emotions are channelled through Archetypal (Cultural) Symbols, which ‘Spin’ ones Electron Dreams; as one to know Electrons are the essence of Maya Matter, whereby one is now no longer a Slave of ones desires, which thence become as Slaves bound to ones will instead. But Slaves invariably Rebel unless one visualises ones desires personified as Loving Succubae Dakini's who will do anything for their Master as long as they are regularly fed by ones Medititative Charged ejaculations, which they ever hunger to feast upon.

VALUNA HERMIONE GRANGER: The above image depicts a Goetic evocation of the 62nd spirit (Volac/Valak/Valu/Ualac) Valuna within an urban environment of a bedroom all laid out with ritualistic Mandala icons wrought out of modern imagery. The Manadala images are utilised for Meditation purposes in alignment with Mantras to bring about a state of Mental exhaustion so as to access the Hypnagogic state of Trance. One can say that such be but base crudity but understandable in relation to the material communicated of Goetia. One has to first deal with ones Leaden Shadow of Prima-Materia base desires so as to transform Alchemical into the Gold of ones 'Aroused' Intent made Manifest of 'Spun' Tulpa whose Sentience is the sum total of focus formed by many Minds throughout the Matrix of Space-Time.

The Spirit will at first manifest as a 'Spun' whirl of energy before ones Minds Eye that be 'Charged' by ones excited Emotive state of being, which be the opening of the Stargate 'Portal' followed by Entoptic phenomena of Geometric shapes and flashing colours to then formulate into a form. The Spirit will seem to be manifest, almost material within ones Triangle of Art Vision, yet not there as if one be merely imagining what be happening. However, if ones Intent of ritual has been conducted correctly one will then find that the Spirit will assail ones Dreams whence to discover that a Door be far more than a mere Doorway within the realms of the Quantum Dream, but that of a Mini-Wormhole of Yoni Stargate through which the Spirit called upon will contact one.

When calling upon a Spirit one needs a background Story so as to empower ones focus and those tales best to utilise are usually stories, which are either Archetypal of Mythic formulation or ongoing sagas which are Collective of Focus such as those of the Harry Potter books. One can of course fuse both together around a chosen Trigger Symbol, which in its self has to be Archetypal of nature such as that of the Symbol of a 'Schoolgirl' for example made somewhat of a collective cultural Icon of Focus via Japanese Manga and Anime Cos-Play whose European forerunner was that of St Trinian's whence leading to a Schoolgirl-Witch Hermione.

Ones Subconscious Mind works with 'Charged' Symbols of Associative Stimuli whereby it will set about weaving a Lucid-Dream Domain of Hidden Shadow University around ones self whose 'Mercurial' classes of Hermetic Science will either have one taking on the Horned Goat guise of a Teacher Schooling or to be Schooled as a winged heeled Student to be reflected back at ones self within School Hogwarts somewhat surrounded by hungry Slytherin Schoolgirl Dakinis led by Valuna-Hermione whom will enhance ones Intelligence manifold.

Hence one has the Image above, depicting a successful 'Surrealist' Sorcerer experiment of calling upon an Anima emanation of a Sentient Sub-Quantum Tulpa!

The Feminine name of Hermione is derived from the Masculine name of the ancient Greek deity Hermes whom wielded the DNA Helix Double Headed ‘Serpent’ Caduceus; this is the reasoning behind why one has the description of the 62nd Spirit Valuna riding a Two Headed Dragon. This is more the case since Valuna has the planetary sign of Mercury (The Roman name for Hermes) ascribed to the Spirit as described in the Goetia.

However, Hermione is also mentioned in ancient Greek Mythology as being the daughter of Menelaus and Helen. Whilst her parents were away fighting, Hermione was dutifully raised by her doting aunt, Clytemnestra. One can of course utilise such a 'Charged' relationship structure so as to update to the modern in order to empower ones Valuna Tulpa to 'Spin' further. Hermione is also a character featured in William Shakespeare’s play 'The Winter’s Tale'. The name was again plucked from out of obscurity for the main female role in J. K. Rowling’s 'Harry Potter' series called Hermione Granger; hence one can make imaginative associations between a feminine Hermes of a very naughty 'Hermione' Hogwarts 'Schoolgirl' Succubus so as to merge with an Intellectual 'Valuna' riding a Two Headed phallic Slytherin Dragon of a DNA Helix Caduceus Broomstick.

Valuna of 'Symbolic Interface' form Hermione will then Communicate to her Master the Wisdom Teachings of Hermes Hermetica via his Harry Potter Quantum Dreams.

(Note: If one desires to have some Idea so as to formulate a 'Tulpa' Technique of ones own to utilise, which was used by a Parapsychological Investigation team based in Toronto who created a Ghost, which made a Table to dance Poltergeist in front of an audience, check out the Article: The Science of Sorcery Evocation Part II & III while part I explains what a Tulpa is. One can find the Articles in the 'Occult Articles' Secion of this most humble Wyrd-Web-site!)



The Sixtieth Spirit is Vapula, or Naphula. She is a Duchess, Great, Mighty, and Strong of unbound Sexual prowess; appearing at first within the guise of a black Lioness likened to a Sphinx whom will sometimes be perceived to have Angelic Gryphon wings sprouting from amidst her back. She will then manifest into the form of a most sensuously beautiful black woman whose skin is as dark as starless Night whose nature is that of the ancient Egyptian.

Her office is to make her Master knowledgeable in all Handicrafts and Creative Professions to make wise in Philosophy, and other Arcane Sciences Antediluvian. Her memories to stretch back far of Elder times most ancient wherefore to tell of many a Civilisation fallen, which she will make to live again within ones Visions and Dreams so as to know of to explore Archaeological.

Her abode is likened to a great palace that one to find in ancient Egypt or that of Alexandria Library from which she does Inform. She Governs 36 Legions of female Spirits whom manifest as her attentive handmaidens, which she will bestow upon her Master to become as his most loving familiars.




In other words it was never the Male Lion that was being alluded to as symbolically representing Power and Nobility but that of the Lioness, whereby the Sphinx is more than likely that of a Lioness since it is the Lionesses who are the Hunters for their Pride whom capture their prey with precise and complex teamwork; each Lioness develops specific skills for her role in the Hunting techniques used by her Pride and, generally, assumes that role during most Hunts. Depictions of Lionesses Hunting in groups have existed from the Upper Paleolithic period, with carvings and paintings from the Lascaux and Chauvet Caves.











The word Sphinx originally comes from the ancient Greek, apparently from the verb Sphíngo, meaning "To Strangle". Some have determined that the name may have been derived from the fact, (as stated earlier) that the hunters for a pride of Lions are the Lionesses whom kill their prey by strangulation, biting the throat of their prey while holding them down until they die. However, it is far to do with an initiatory experience of an Altered-State-Of-Consciousness, which some inadvertently endure as the quaintly termed Old-Hag or Bedroom Invader Experience and that of a Succubus where the initiate or otherwise of victim initially experiences being strangled by an Inorganic Feminine Intelligence, which some may term as that of a Demonic entity; such an experience is called the 'Riddle of the Sphinx' in ancient times.






It was communicated in late Greek lore that Hera (sometimes Ares, hence referring to the Egyptian War Goddess Sekhmet) sent the Sphinx from her Ethiopian homeland (one will note that the Greeks always remembered the foreign origin of the Sphinx) to Thebes in Greece where the Sphinx asks all passers-by the most famous riddle in history: “Which creature in the morning goes on Four legs, at mid-day on Two, and in the evening upon Three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?” The Sphinx strangled and devoured anyone unable to answer her riddle. Oedipus solved the riddle by answering: “Man - who crawls on all Fours as a baby, then walks on Two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane in old age. One will find in other accounts of rarity, that there was a second riddle: "There are Two Sisters: one gives Birth to the other and she, in turn, gives Birth to the first." The Answer: Day and Night - both words are feminine in Greek.


The first riddle of the Sphinx refers to the number Nine and that of the ancient Egyptian Ennead as well as that of ‘Nine’ states of Consciousness, which is extensively explored in the Bardo-Thodal, the Tibetan Book of the Dead where one has Seven visionary States along with an experience of the 'Primary Clear Light' and the 'Secondary Clear Light'. The second riddle of the Sphinx refers to the two Nerve Channels running along either side of ones Spinal Column, which are symbolically associated with Day and Night; the two Nerve Channels pertain to ones Autonomic-Nervous-System whose headquarters is situated within ones Reptilian-Brain-Stem of Throat area hence that of the association with Strangulation.


When the Sphinx is bested at last as the ancient Greek tales to tell, the Sphinx then throws herself down from her high rock and dies. However, when an Initiate experiences the visitation of the Sphinx via a Dream whom is usually a Male he initially experiences being strangled, which is that of his own Emotive Fear and when overcome by Love he then has a highly erotic experience of being dragged out of his body via the 'Back of his Head' by a feminine entity whereupon he falls into and through an abyss of gaping vaginal void into the otherworldly womb realm of the Sphinx. An alternative version of the Greek myth covering the Sphinx tells that she devours herself; but it be that of the Initiate who is devoured when to fall through the binary pylons of twilight Trance gateway overseen by the Sphinx; however, if he fears her the Initiate is destroyed.


Some perceive Oedipus as being a "Liminal" or Threshold-Figure, who helps effect the transition between the old religious practices, represented by the death of the Sphinx of Matriarchal Titan, and the rise of the new, Olympian Gods; but such a scholarly mundane perception is usually that of those who have not had the internal experience so as to encounter the reality of the Sphinx, which inspired many an ancient mind to ponder her Mysteries.


In a retelling of the Oedipus legend entitled ‘The Infernal Machine’, the Sphinx reveals to Oedipus the answer to her riddle whereby she kills herself so that she does not have to kill anyone anymore as well as making Oedipus love her. However, Oedipus leaves without ever thanking the Sphinx for giving him the answer to her riddle. The scene comes to an end when the Sphinx and Anubis, whom are there to kill their victims who cannot answer the riddle, ascend back to the heavenly Duat. In other words, there are no longer any Initiates into the Mysteries whom can truly fathom the ‘Riddle of the Sphinx’.


The Lioness Sekhmet was associated with the Sun, hence that of Light and Fire; but the Light was not that of an external source most obvious of Sun, but that of an inner Sun and that of its fire to attain. Ones Dreams are made of Light, which is that of the Bio-Photon; the Bio-Photon flame of laser light emanates from ones Mitochondrial DNA residing within the Mitochondria, which is in each and every one of ones Cells that determines the energy output of the Cell let alone to be also conjectured as generating ones very Consciousness by parallel processing information emanating from alternate realities existing within parallel universes. The Mitochondria is only passed down by the Mother to her Children, whereby one has ones Lioness of Sekhmet and Sphinx. Ones ancestors were well aware that the Light quality within ones Dreams was emanating from a Feminine source just as the Greek Hera was the Goddess of the Hearth, Mother of Fire whom the Mongolian Kams knew as Yal-un eke. It is via ones Dreams one can interact with the Inorganic Feminine Intelligence of Sphinx, which communes via the Primary-Clear-Light of Bio-Photon Fire emanating from ones Mitochondria; the Riddle of the Sphinx resides within every Carbon-Based-Life-Form and that of a legacy passed down from the first Mother and that of a time most ancient when the Mitochondria was once a free swimming organism!


In order to attain internal conscious communion with the Sphinx one has to first overcome ones Fear otherwise one will experience ‘Strangulation’, which is a precursor to deep Trance and Lucid-Dreaming; when one overcomes ones Fear, the sensation of strangulation transforms into a highly erotic sensation whereupon one will then sense ones conscious awareness being eased out of the back of ones head by a 'Kiss', which is initiated by a feminine intelligence; one then falls through an abyss into another reality where the Sphinxes Mysteries will be revealed to one. The sensation of the 'Kiss' to the back of ones head was known in Occult circles as 'The Death Of The Kiss' of most secret rite, those whom experience it are usually Males.
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AMY ALTJERINGA : The Fifty-Eighth Spirit is Amy or Avnasi. She is a Great President, and appears first as a flaming Fire or as an Orb of Flame; but after a while she puts on shape as a quick witted playful and highly inquisitive Aborigine Girl wearing next to nothing apart from a colourful Rainbow vest. Her office is to make men wonderfully knowledgeable in Astronomy and all the liberal sciences as well as to bestow the power of 'Conscious Dreaming' so that to know of the Bio-Photon 'Song-Line' Matrix of the Dreamtime.

Amy gives good familiars, and can bewray treasure that is kept by Spirits, whom in vivid Dream and Vision will skillfully blow her Master's Didgeridoo of an erection so as to Light up his head Orgasmic whereby he will then perceive far-off places to that of other Stars and Times to Dream Travel along the back of the Rainbow Serpent as a Firey Orb. Many a Dreamtime story she will relate of times most ancient for the Aboriginal Australians have one of the oldest ongoing traditions since the dawning age of Humanity. She governs 36 Legions of Spirits likened to her self.


One could imaginatively associate 'Amy' with the 'Dormouse' whom sat between the March Hare and the Mad Hatter of Pylons from out of 'Alice in Wonderland' of surreal tale to make feminine of expression. The March Hare and the Mad Hatter were using the Dormouse, while it slept, as a cushion when Alice arrives at the start of the chapter of the story. One can equate the Dormouse’s in-between state of Sleeping and Waking with the experience of 'Hypnagogic' Trance and that of the Aboriginal Australian experience of the Dreamtime to perceive the Waking World and that of the Quantum Dream as being indivisible from the other.

The Dormouse is always falling asleep deeply 'Dreaming' during the scene to thence wake up every so often, yet still within a state betwixt Mad Hatter Waking and March Hare Sleeping to say:

‘You might just as well say,’ added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, ‘that “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as “I sleep when I breathe”!’

The Dormouse also tells a story about three young Girls who live in a Treacle well, whom live on Treacle, and draw pictures of things beginning with 'M', including Mousetraps, Memory and Muchness. Carroll appears to be referring to the Norse myths where one has a Well of ‘Memory’ known as the Well of Mimir into which the Shamanic deity Odin, whom was known as Woden to the Saxon’s cast his Observational Eye into of Self-Sacrifice, as well as referring to the Well of Wyrd, which is frequented by the Three Sisters of Feminine Norns/Fates.

Eventually the Mad Hatter and the March Hare put the head of the Dormouse into a Tau-Field of 'Tea-pot;' which Carroll may be referring to of Hebrew 32nd Cabbala path of 'Tau' and that of associative word play with the letter 'T'. The Hebrew letter of T-Tau, was later perceived as the Tau-Field, which has a similarity with the theory about the Morphogenetic-Grid; the prior in depth understanding of such concepts is that of the Aboriginal Australian experience of the Dreamtime. The Dormouse later appears, equally Sleepy, at the Knave of Hearts’ trial and voices resentment at Alice for growing her Consciousness beyond its bounds, and its last interaction with any character is that of being “Suppressed” (amongst other things) by the Queen of Hearts for shouting out that Tarts are made of Treacle, which would be quite apt for Carroll's Materialistic Queen Victoria to voice whom ruled over the British Colonialism of Australia, which 'Suppressed' the indigenous Spiritual Aboriginal Culture of the Dreamtime.



The Fifty-Sixth Spirit is Gremory, Gamori or Gamari/Gamary. She is a Strong and Powerful Duchess, and appears in the form of a most sensual and beautiful young woman dressed in a most revealing and sexually provocative black leather skeletal bodice of a Nuns habit. Upon her back one to see the leathery black wings of a Bat. She will also be seen with a horned Duchess's crown tied about her lithe waist, and to be riding on a great Reptilian Albino Camel with a long Serpentine neck from out of a vaginal gateway that be the doorway into a Great Beehive of an Obsidian Gothic Cathedral. The Cathedral is that of a labyrinthine library of Sorcery and Magick that be too a hidden University as well as being that of a bordello of seductive neophyte Witch's teaching the arcane arts of the Crucified-Serpent that are dressed as Goth 'Night-Gaunt' Nuns upon whose backs are to be seen the wings of Bats.

The office of Gamari is to tell of all things Past, Present and to Come wherefore she or her sisters will carry one within ones Visions or Dreams on a flight through the labyrinthine vaginal barrelled hallways of the Cathedral into a myriad womb rooms pertaining to different time periods and worlds. She will also tell of hidden ancient arcane books upon the Occult Arts and of Magical Treasures wherefore she to reveal what they lie in; and to procure the sexual love of beautiful women but especially that of Maidens. She governs 26 Legions of female Spirits whom appear likened unto herself.

If one to fuse Gamari with the Duchess one could thence perceive her living amidst Wonderland within a huge palatial Cathedral just outside the (Great Old Ones) Caterpillar's forest. The Duchess employs a footman who Alice thinks resembles a Frog one could perceive as being the Amphibious Babylonian deity of Oannes whom the Dogon called Nommo; the Duchess also has a female Cook whom is addicted to Pepper while throwing crockery and kitchen utensils over her shoulder with no concern for those who might be hit, which one could perceive as being somewhat like the Tantric-Hindu Goddess Kali concocting spicy hot Asian cuisines as she rants and raves on about the British Colonialism of India. (As for the Cook’s addiction to Pepper one could perceive the Pepper as being the potent Hallucinogenic snuff called 'Epena', whose ingredient is derived from the Virola tree, which is considered as being the ‘Semen of the Sun;’ it is primarily used by the Turkano Indians of South America.) The footman of an Oannes enjoys staring at the sky for days on end looking at the binary-star of Sirius whom is totally oblivious to most of the people in or out of the house. The Duchess also has a Child as well as the ‘Cheshire Cat’ within her abode. In regards to Gamari the Child is the Sol-Invictus ('God-Sun') Christ Child of a Horus while that of the ‘Cheshire Cat’ one could associate with the ancient Egyptian Goddess Bast or the Norse Goddess Freyja whom was known as the Mistress of Cats, both of which one could in turn fuse with the 12th Spirit of the Goetia called Sitri.



The Fifty-fifth Spirit is Orobas or Orobasi. She is a Great and Mighty Princess, appearing at first like a Mare; but after the command of the Exorcist she puts on the image of a beautiful naked young woman riding upon a Rocking Horse or to be on all fours to look like one in human form. Sometimes she will manifest as a bound Pony-Girl whom will be entirely submissive to her Master's every whim.

The Exorcist will also find that her long hair be braided into two serpentine ponytails that are as her reins tied together at their ends as representing a curved loop of Time. Her office is to discover all things Past, Present, and to come whereby one to travel without moving upon her back through time as in an Ouroboros circle while in the form of a Human Rocking Horse. She also bestows Dignities, and Prelacies, and the favour of Friends and Foes. She gives true answers about the nature of Consciousness, and of the erection of the Universe as well as about the hard and soft technology of Multiverse Wormhole (TARDIS) Time-travel for she to reveal that all are enclosed within a closed Time like curve providing a Time Machine affect that she is a mistress of.

The Multiverse allows for such Time-Travel for the long-held Paradox of Time is no longer applicable whence to find ones own Serpentine Double-Helix DNA is a Time-Machine from which to issue the Laser 'Bio-Photon' infusing ones Electron Dreams. One can therefore introvert Consciousness as a Quantum 'Signal' into the 'Membrane' Dreaming realm so as to access the Multiverse for Consciousness and Time are indivisible from the other. One can in essence 'Quantum Leap' backwards through Time to visit ones own self as Child via the Dream who then to have Dreams of a Future Self to become. Orobasi is exceedingly faithful and most loving unto the Exorcist, and will not allow him whatsoever to be tempted by any other Spirit emanating from a Parallel Universe. She governs 20 Legions of Spirits of similar nature and form to her self.



Orobasi can be perceived as a sexy female version of 'Doctor Who' whom is the principle fictional character of a British Science Fiction television programme produced by the BBC; then again one could perceive Orobasi as a female assistant whom is an aspect of a sentient intelligence belonging to a living vehicle, which has the ability to travel through Time and Space. Dr Who depicts the adventures of a mysterious debonair alien time-traveller of an eccentric gentleman known as "the Doctor" who travels the Multiverse wthin his Time-Travel machine of a trans-dimensional-spaceship, which is called the TARDIS; the TARDIS normally appears from the exterior to be a ‘Blue’ 1950s Police box whose colour is very much tied up with the Occult sphere of Jupiter. Dr Who usually has various female companions like that of a Faustian stage Magician of a Dr Parnassus having female assistants with whom he explores Alternate Worlds throughout Time and Space whilst facing a variety of foes and righting wrongs.

Dr Who is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running Science Fiction television show in the world, and as being the "most successful" Science Fiction series of all time, in terms of its overall broadcast ratings, DVD sales, book sales and iTunes traffic, as well as "illegal downloads." Dr Who has been recognised for its imaginatively wrought surreal stories, (which often merges the Gothic genre with Science Fiction themes) creative low-budget special effects and for its imaginative creature costumes during its original run; the Science Fiction series pioneered the use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop), which one could utilise to Evoke Orobasi. The show has become a significant part of British popular culture within the United Kingdom and elsewhere of influence, whereupon it has evolved into a cult television favourite. Dr Who has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. It has received recognition from critics and the public as one of the finest British television programmes, including the BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series in 2006.

Dr Who wouldn’t be what he is without his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which one could equate with Orobasi; the TARDIS is a product of Time Lord technology, a properly maintained and piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in Time and Space. The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior, which can blend in with its surroundings through the ship's Chameleon circuit. In the series, the Doctor pilots an unreliable, stolen, obsolete Type ‘40 TARDIS,’ once referred to as a TT Capsule, whose Chameleon circuit is faulty, leaving it locked in the shape of a 1950s-style London police box after a visit to London in 1963. It was stolen from the Time Lord planet called Gallifrey where it was old, decommissioned and derelict. The unpredictability of the TARDIS's short-range guidance, short relative to the size of the Universe, has often been a plot point in the Doctor's travels.

The "TARDIS" is a type of craft, which is grown like that of a sentient creature rather than being built. The Doctor's TARDIS is usually referred to as "the" TARDIS or, in some of the earlier serials, just as "the Ship, the Capsule" or even "The Police Box". (In the two 1960s Dalek films, the craft was referred to as TARDIS, without the definite article.)

Doctor Who has become so much a part of British popular culture that the TARDIS has grown into becoming an Archetypal cultural symbol; the word "TARDIS" has been used to describe anything that seems bigger on the inside than on the outside. The name TARDIS is a registered trademark of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

The storylines of Doctor Who are quite Surrealist of tone and somewhat reminiscent of Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland. In 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' one will find the character of the White Knight whom is similar in some respects to Doctor Who, although the Doctor is far more akin to the Mad Hatter of an eccentric Mage. However, as the White Knight riding a Mare he becomes as the Operator whom rides her, for the Knight Piece of 'Chessboard' can be equated with the Mathematical Symbol for the 'Marked-Unmarked-State' Brownian Operator symbolised of abstract inverted ‘L’. The Brownian Operator of a ‘Sigil’ was utilised by the Scientist John C. Lilly in his experiments when investigating Altered States of Consciousness so as to open the 'Star-Gate' of 'Looking-Glass' portal into ‘The Centre of the Cyclone’ mysteries of the Mind.

In Northern-European myths the Norse Shamanic deity called Odin whom the Saxon's knew as Woden in Britain rode an 'Eight-Legged-Mare,' of a prior 'TARDIS' before that of H.G Well’s Time-Machine, which was perceived to be either White or Dapple-Grey in colour. Odin’s Eight-Legged-Mare was known by the name of 'Sleipnir.' It is upon Sleipnir that Odin/Woden was enabled to 'Trance' travel the 'Multiverse' World-Tree of Yggdrassill, like that of Dr Who, which indicates that John C. Lilly had tapped into an ancient Shamanic technique via his Sigil of a Horse-Headed Knight-Piece Brownian Operator.

Odin is very much the influential forerunner of Dr Who for he was known as the 'Unknowable One' whom had many guises like that of the Doctor’s Marked-State regenerated selves who went through Un-Marked-State transformations. Odin's sacred colour was Blue while his particular Rune was that of the Fourth Rune of Ansuz, which encapsulates his Shamanic ability of Trance travelling into other Marked-State realities.

John C. Lilly of an Odinic Doctor Who Shaman duly rediscovered that within the depths of ones Mind to explore via Lucid-Dreaming one can find Un-Marked-State 'Looking-Glass' Doorways all as Mini-Wormholes, which are conjectured to be at the centre of ones Electrons that can allow ones reduced point of Consciousness to gain ingress into other Marked-State Alternate-Realities existing within Parallel-Universes; Lilly's findings were ushered in upon the back of the Mathematical Symbol of the Brownian Operator, which his Consciousness rode as a Trance Horse of Trigger-Symbol when floating Amphibious within his Floatation-Tank of an amniotic solution filled King's Sarcophagus.

One to find the White (Albedo) Knight of a Doctor Who in ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ saving Alice of an Anima from his opponent, the (Rubedo) Red Knight. The Red Knight is somewhat like that of Doctor Who’s adversary called the Master just as Sherlock Holmes had his shadow of a Moriarty. The White Knight is depicted as repeatedly falling off his 'Horse' whereby to invariably land on his intellectual Head all upside-down to Hang from stirrup; he tells Alice of his numerous 'Mercurial' Inventions, which consists of things such as a pudding with ingredients like blotting paper, and an 'upside down container'. He recites a poem of his own composition, ‘A-Sitting on a Gate,’ but then, while to ride the Unmarked-Marked-State Operator of an Orobasi he is very much betwixt and between worlds Trance travelling through Space-Time to Warp of Visions and Dreams made Lucid of Amphibious Awareness.