Sunday 31 January 2010



The Second Spirit is a Duchess and is called Agaresina or Agaresi, otherwise known as Agares and Agreas. She is under the Power of the East over which the Red ‘Fire-Star’ to burn for she is of half Slavic and Mongolian Chinngis Khan descent and appears as a most ravishingly attractive, though stern, young Russian woman dressed as a Tank commander. One will perceive a Goshawk perched upon her wrist, which to symbolise her Power of Remote-Viewing whereupon she can find any who to runaway for she can look over the whole world as well as to know all Languages and tongues to Teach. At her feet will be a creature of the amphibious species Crocodylidae, which symbolises her ability to speed up and to slow down Time whence to make those to Run, to Standstill, those who Standstill, to Run, for the experience of Time is very much entwined with ones Reptilian Brain-stem.

She drives around within a converted WWII Russian T34 tank or alternatively that of an American M1A1/2 Abrams main battle tank patronised by burger king McDonald's, which she has captured to paint Red for Agaresina has Siberian Oil under her Fire-Star of Ares leash to verily name the Heavy-Metal Beast as her hungry T-34 Crocodile making the Earth to shake causing Earthquakes. She has the power to destroy dignities both Spiritual and Temporal if her Master so desires it whence she to unleash her Soviet Zombie Army to tear apart the psyches of her Masters Enemies via the Astral plane; or that of initiating a Geophysical Tunguska Event Big-Bang to strike them down. Her sexual style is very much upfront of most Salacious Succubus within those Erotic Dreams she to instigate after evoking her. She Governs over 31 Legions of Kamasutra Rusalka Female Spirits like her self whom are highly versed in the Martial Art of 'Systema' who have a liking for offerings of Russian Cigarettes and Vodka given unto them.


One can imaginatively associate 'Agaresina' with a 'Red-Army-Chess piece' under 'Red Queen' whom was featured in Lewis Carroll's Alice adventure, 'Through The Looking Glass' and when to have first penned it the world was verily changing at a rapid pace around him.

In the 1800s, the rise of urban industrialization triggered the proliferation of Utopian projects (Agricultural Communes) in reaction, all of which failed. Utopia became the project of creating an ideal society apart from the demoralizing city. These Utopian projects were especially popular in Britain, France, and New England. The Utopian celebration of common property and dependence upon extensive state planning were the groundwork for the political forces of both Communism and Socialism as presented in the written work of the Communist Manifesto. One can imaginatively associate 'Agaresina' with a 'Red-Army-Chess piece' under 'Red Queen' whom was featured in Lewis Carroll's Alice adventure, 'Through The Looking Glass' and when to have first penned it the world was verily changing at a rapid pace around him.

In the 1800s, the rise of urban industrialization triggered the proliferation of Utopian projects (Agricultural Communes) in reaction, all of which failed. Utopia became the project of creating an ideal society apart from the demoralizing city. These Utopian projects were especially popular in Britain, France, and New England. The Utopian celebration of common property and dependence upon extensive state planning were the groundwork for the political forces of both Communism and Socialism as presented in the written work of the Communist Manifesto.

The Bolshevik 'Red' Army (Russian: Workers’-Peasants’ Red Army) began the takeover of government buildings on 24 October; however 25 October (JC) was the date when the Winter Palace (the seat of the Provisional government located in Petrograd, then capital of Russia), was captured. The "Red" of Army was officially referred to the blood of the Working Class in their Communist struggle against Capitalism, and to the belief that all are equal just as the founder of Christianity once said whom Reverend Lewis Carroll to have known well to perceive ‘Through the Looking Glass’ darkly that all are as 'Chess Pieces' across Chessboard of the greater scheme of things yet to come, playing out their individual parts, but it be the 'Queens Red and White' who can go where they will while 'Alice' pointed towards the Future Past!

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